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Below is an overview of Heimstaden's outstanding seniour unsecured and subordinated perpetual hybrid bonds listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and Euronext Dublin.

For information on Heimstaden Bostad's outstanding debt, visit Heimstaden Bostad's website

Further to the press release dated 6 October 2023 and the communicated strategy to continue the deleveraging of Heimstaden AB, the company may occasionally seek to repurchase outstanding senior debt through open market purchases, privately negotiated transactions, tender offers, exchange offers or otherwise. Such repurchases, if any, will depend on market conditions, liquidity requirements, contractual restrictions and other factors.

Senior Unsecured Bonds

Issue date Maturity Issued amount (million)
 Outstanding amount (million) Of which held by the issuer (million) Fixed/Floating Coupon/spread (bps) ISIN Prospectus
2022-04-14 2025-04-14  500  500 134 Floating Stibor 3m + 475   XS2469914308 Final Terms
2020-10-15 2025-10-15 1,200 1,200 290 Floating Stibor 3m + 400 SE0014991352 Prospectus

Issue date Maturity Issued amount (million)
 Outstanding amount (million)  Of which held by the issuer (million) Fixed/Floating Coupon/spread (bps) ISIN Prospectus
2026-03-09 350 350 -
Fixed 425.00 SE0015657903 Prospectus
2021-09-06 2027-03-06 400 400 - Fixed 437.50 SE0016589105 Prospectus

Hybrid Bonds

Issue date First call date Issued amount (million)Outstanding amount (million)  Of which held by the issuer (million)Fixed/Floating Coupon/spread (bps) ISIN Prospectus
2019-04-11 2024-10-11 4,500 4,50040Floating Stibor 3m + 590 SE0012455111 Prospectus
Bond tap
Deferral Notice
Issue date First reset date Issued amount (million)
Outstanding amount (million) Of which held by the issuer (million) Fixed/Floating Coupon/spread (bps) ISIN Prospectus
2021-10-15 2027-01-15 300 300-Fixed 675 SE0016278352 Prospectus