Sustainability is the only way forward. To truly live up to our strategic goal of Society Contribution- we go beyond providing homes, actively addressing social and environmental challenges in the areas where we have the most impact.
Our values are rooted in our Scandinavian heritage:
Welfare System
No one left behind
Opportunity for all
Social Balance
Resources are divided
Sustainable Mindset
Care for our planet
Society Contribution, Inspiration, and Enrichment.
The road to mitigating climate and social challenges is long. Heimstaden is transparent about our status and how we will reach our goals. Our most important KPIs from 2023 are:
Scope 1 & 2 emissions from energy purchased by Heimstaden and used in its properties – FY 2023
For people far from the housing market – FY 2023
Society Contribution is one of our five strategic goals and is based on our strong sustainability strategy and group-wide sustainability targets covering environmental, social and governance aspects.
Reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by 10% compared to 2020 (for scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 category 13 - downstream leased assets), baseline recalculated.
Reduced our weather-corrected energy intensity by 8% for comparable properties (compared to 2022).
Revised and launched a new Social Roadmap, outlining our social sustainability strategy for employees, customers, and society.
Established the Diversity Board to promote a safe, inclusive workplace with equal employee opportunities.
Launched a new supplier assessment process in line with our human rights due diligence strategy.
Updated our climate risk assessment process and conducted vulnerability assessments on properties in high-risk areas.
Conducted a double materiality assessment according to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).